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Last updated June 19 2023

Part NumberDescriptionPriceConditionApplicationCategory
1688946heater control valve, Everhot225NORS55-56 all, can be used as replacement for '57-58A-C and heater
1819515heater control valve, dual capillary tube style with fooler, element, Ranco. Price includes $150 core charge that will be refunded upon return of a rebuildable core.395rebuilt57-58 with A-C model 900A-C and heater
1819516heater control valve, Ranco. Price includes $100.00 core charge, refunded with return of rebuildable core within 12 months.325Rebuilt57-59 CA-C and heater
1819748heater temperature control cable, 40x43"65good used60-64 C-body, 60-66 ImpA-C and heater
1879584heater control valve, Everhot225NORS59 all exc. Imp, can be used as replacement for ImpA-C and heater
1887229heater control valve, Ranco. Price includes $100.00 core charge, refunded with return of rebuildable core within 12 months.325rebuilt59 ImpA-C and heater
1887699heater control valve, Ranco.225NOS60-64 C, 60-61 DeS, 60-61 D, 62-64 D 880, 60-61 P, can be used as replacement for 60-66 ImpA-C and heater
1982542A-C crankshaft bearing housing seal12NOS55-79A-C and heater
2076323heater control valve85NORS61-62 D Lancer, 60-2 P ValiantA-C and heater
2084460heater control valve, Ranco. Price includes $100.00 core charge, refunded with return of rebuildable core within 12 months.325rebuilt60-66 ImpA-C and heater
2258096switch, auxiliary vacuum on blower, with A-C125NOS62-65 B-bodyA-C and heater
2521672heater control valve, Everhot225NORS65-68 full size, 67-8 Imp except with ATCA-C and heater
3502395heater and A-C control assembly, with ATC145NOS71-72 CA-C and heater
951892hood ornament insert, clear plastic Mayflower125NOS42 PBody - Exterior
1065783nameplate, Dodge, front, over grille, very light shelfwear75NOS46-48 DBody - Exterior
1708014rear license plate surround, without medallion95good used57 C except 300, 57-58 DeSBody - Exterior
1775339door handle, exterior, left rear95NOS57-59 P 4-dr and wagonBody - Exterior
1879601wiper gear and gasket pkg, single speed45NOS55-62Body - Exterior
2244829ornament, trunk179NOS63 C NewportBody - Exterior
2275141electric tailgate lift repair pkg, includes gears, washer85NOS60-64 wagonBody - Exterior